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Capsule Endoscopy Service (PillCam): NOT a hard pill to swallow

Monday November 28, 2022

Earlier in November the Stephen Doyle Endoscopy Unit launched the Capsule Endoscopy Service.  This innovative procedure uses a tiny Capsule Endoscopy camera which sits inside a vitamin-size capsule that the patient swallows (known as a PillCam).  As the capsule travels through the digestive tract, the camera takes thousands of pictures that are transmitted to a recorder that the patient wears on a belt around the waist for approximately 8 hours. This helps doctors see inside the small intestine, an area that is not easily reached with more-traditional endoscopy procedures. 

Unlike the traditional colonoscopy, Capsule Endoscopy is painless, requires limited preparation, and does it does not require any sedation.  Since its launch 6 patients have benefited from this procedure, which will provide better outcomes, help to reduce the waiting list and provide patients with an improved, non-invasive Endoscopic experience.

The Capsule Endoscopy Team pictuerd below - Philip Maligaya, CNM2 Capsule Endoscopy; Registrar  Dr. Dana AlSharqi & Consultant Gastroenterologist, Dr. Mohd Syafiq Ismail

Capsule endoscopy