Beaumont Hospital

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Restricted visiting hours In response to Influenza outbreak

Tuesday January 09, 2018

Due to the high incident of influenza in the community and in the interest of protecting our patients the following visiting restrictions are in place at Beaumont Hospital.

1. No visitor younger than 12 years old

2. Visitors are limited to one visitor per patient at a time. Visiting time is between 3.00pm and 4.00pm and 6.30pm and 8.30pm

3. Anyone visiting the Hospital are asked to use the Hand Sanitisers before and after you leave the Hospital and clinical areas i.e. Wards, Out-Patient areas

4. Anyone with flu-like symptoms – fever, chills, sore throat, body aches, headaches etc are advised to remain at home and consider the welfare of our patients

These restrictions DO NOT impact on Out Patient Appointments.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation