Beaumont Hospital

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Official opening of St Damien’s Ward by the Minister of State, Finian McGrath

Thursday May 19, 2016

Minister of State, with responsibility for Disability, Finian McGrath, has officially opened the newly refurbished St. Damiens Ward at the National Kidney Transplant Center in the Hospital
This custom designed facility is the culmination of an extensive refurbishment programme with an investment of almost €6 million. The Minister unveiled a plaque and took a tour of the unit before meeting some patients.

The unit now has 21 dedicated surgical and medical transplant beds including 12 single en-suite rooms (with 2 of these being isolation rooms) and benefits from a state of the art ventilation and air filtering system. The unit has 3 dialysis points and each of the single rooms benefit from central patient monitoring units back to the nurses station.

The unit exemplifies how a modern specialised unit should be and we thank everyone whose tireless work made this possible for the benefit of our renal patients and those staff who care for them.

Monica Cunningham, CNM3, St Damiens Ward; Liam Duffy, General Manager; Dilly Little, Consulant Transplant Surgeon with Minister Finian McGrath