Beaumont Success in the Dublin City Neighbourhood Awards
Tuesday October 13, 2015
Following recent successes in the Dublin Central Area Neighbourhood awards, where the Hospital progressed to the Dublin City Neighbourhood's Competition, we are delighted that Beaumont Hospital was announced as the winner in the category “Waste Management Initiative” in the Dublin City Neighbourhoods Awards 2015 at an award ceremony last week. The award was presented to Martin Stephens, Waste Manager, by the Lord Mayor of Dublin Ms Críona Ní Dhálaigh. This was a Dublin-wide award as opposed to the Dublin Central Area for the previous awards and so is quite an achievement. Well done to Martin and to all those who strive to achieve a cleaner, greener environment for the Hospital and who help keep it looking so well. Martin is pictured below accepting his award with Maura Herrity, Liaison & Mobility Management Manger and the Lord Mayor of Dublin Ms. Craona Na Dhailaigh.