No visiting order continues
Thursday March 26, 2020
A NO VISITING ORDER continues in Beaumont Hospital in the interest of protecting patients and staff and to reduce the further spread of COVID-19 infection. This means that the hospital is closed to all visitors except in exceptional clinical circumstances where very limited permission to visit may be granted by prior agreement from the Clinical Nurse Manger on the ward – these patients may include those in Critical Care Units and loved ones receiving end of life care. No children are permitted to visit even in exceptional circumstances.
The Hospital regrets the upset this is causing our patients and their families, however this measure is necessary in order to minimise the transmission of COVID-19 for patients and staff.
You will be contacted by phone if you are to attend for any such appointments / procedures.
In addition a number of our Clinicians are holding virtual clinics (telephone call) for some OPD appointments, and these patients will be contacted by hospital staff directly.
We appreciate that this is a difficult time for our patients and their families and we are continuously working to provide services in a different way where possible. We understand that visiting for patients is important so keep in touch by mobile or FaceTime. Patient care/comfort packages from families can be dropped into our main reception and will be delivered to patients.
For more information on Coronavirus (COVID-19) please see the HSE website here or call the HSE helpline on 1850 241850.
To view the latest updates in relation to Coronavirus (COVID-19) from the HSE please see HERE
Please see Coronavirus poster below
Thank you for your cooperation.