Beaumont Hospital

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Department of Psychiatry

About us

The Department of Psychiatry in Beaumont Hospital provides psychiatric and psychosocial  assessment, diagnosis and management of patients in the hospital with mental health problems.  Clinical referrals are made on a consultation-liaison basis.

The aim is to help patients in hospital to process and cope with the impact of major illnesses and surgical procedures as well as loss and trauma. We also assess those patients with mental health problems that may have been aggravated by their admission to hospital, or may be manifesting as physical symptomatology.

There is a strong multi-disciplinary team approach to the assessment and management of all mental health problems, including addiction.


  • Address: Dept of Psychiatry, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin 9  
  • Telephone: (01) 809 3354 / (01) 809 3930
  • Email:

The Ashlin Centre, on the campus of Beaumont Hospital, is the Acute Admissions Unit for North Dublin Mental Health Service. To contact the Ashlin Center (Acute Psychiatry Unit) please phone 01 797 7200. The Centre is comprised of two units - The Joyce Unit and The Sheehan Unit.  Please note: while on the campus of Beaumont Hosptial, the Ashlin Centre is operated by the HSE. Please do not phone the Dept of Psychiatry if you wish to contact the Ashlin Centre  - see numbers below.

To contact the Old Age Psychiatry Team please phone 01 797 7275.

The Joyce Unit  -  01 797 7200    

The Joyce Unit is a general adult psychiatric admissions unit with 38 beds 

Referral to this service is via the Community Mental Health Teams and in emergencies via Beaumont Hospital Accident and Emergency Department.

The Sheehan Unit - 01 797 7210

The Sheehan Unit is a 6 bed Psychiatry of Old Age unit which provides care for adults over 65. Referrals to this unit are via the Psychiatry of Old Age Team.