Beaumont Hospital


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Ophthalmology Department


Welcome to the Ophthalmology Department. Services provided within the Department include:

  1. General ophthalmology outpatients clinics
  2. Specialist ophthalmic clinics
    1. Neuro - ophthalmology service
    2. Oculoplastic and orbital service
    3. Diabetic eye clinic
  3. Orthoptic clinics
  4. Visual field testing
  5. Inpatient consultation service
  6. Botulinum toxic clinics
  7. Oculoplastic operating list
  8. Minor procedure list
  9. Laser clinic

Academic Activity

  1. Annual Neuro-ophthalmology course for trainees in Ophthalmology and Neurology
  2. Regional input from Ophthalmic team into National and International Ophthalmic meetings
  3. Ongoing projects for vision restoration theapy for Acquired Brain Injury


We are located in Clinic E within the Outpatient Department on the Ground Floor.

Out-of-Hours Service

Out-of-hour emergency services are provided by the Regional Unit in the Mater Hospital.


 Name / Office Details Telephone
Ms Patricia Logan  Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon specialising in Neuro-ophthalmology. (01) 809 2883 
Mr. Tim Fulcher Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon specialising in eyelids, lacrimal and orbits. (01) 797 4708
Dr. Fiona Kearns Ophthalmic Physican. (01) 809 3305
2 Orthoptists See the Orthoptic Department in the Clinical Services Division.  
Aisling McCourt /
Helen Hobbs
1 Clinical Nurse Specialist. (01) 809 2882
Margaret Moynihan Staff Nurse, Neurology.  
Secretarial Office   (01) 809 2609